Article - Y e-mobility?

ellectric — Y e-mobility?

Podcast - Empathy & User Experience

In conversation with Csaba Hazi about Empathy is the context of Service Design & UX

Talking Empathy and Service Design with Rubab Paracha

Listen to this episode from The UX Kitchen Podcast on Spotify. Empathy is key in UX, but it can be also confusing. What is empathy in design? Is it a skill or a given we are born with? What is service design?

Podcast - Service Design

In conversation with Csaba Hazi about Empathy is the context of Service Design & UX

What You Always Wanted to Know about Service Design with Rubab Paracha

In this episode we are going to look at: what service design is. We're gonna define it together, right? We're going to make distinctions between what UX is and what service design is? What are the overlaps? What are the differences? We going to talk about collaboration with UX and service designers. And what skills do you need if you, want to go into service design.

Design Canvas

After working with clients with diverse backgrounds we felt the need to create a canvas which speaks their language but directs towards creatives. This canvas allows anyone at any stage of business development to put all design related ideas and thoughts on one sheet and assists during creative briefings and brand development.

Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 10.37.39.png

Design Canvas.pdf